Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM)


Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) To advocate for development and operationalisation of policies, laws and systems that facilitate optimum mobilisation of domestic resources for development in Zimbabwe by 2023. This thematic area emerges from a realisation of the importance of domestic resources for driving sustainable development. This is more so important for Zimbabwe where a combination of sub-optimal economic governance processes limits the country’s potential to access international development financing. ZIMCODD aims to contribute towards driving the domestic resource mobilisation agenda especially as the country is endowed with natural resources. The organisation focuses on natural resource governance, advocacy for improved tax approaches as well as improved domestic resource governance.

Public Resource Management (PRM)


To promote prudent, accountable and transparent public resource management in Zimbabwe by 2023. There is a growing realisation of the need to promote prudent stewardship of public resources as an enabler of social and economic justice. ZIMCODD prioritises advocacy around prudent management and distribution of all public resources including revenues from different sources as well as all other public resources. The focus includes debt management, budget analysis, budget monitoring, constitutionalism along with advocacy for broader accountability from state enterprises/parastatals.

Organisational Development (OD)


To contribute towards an efficient and effective ZIMCODD institutional structure by 2023. The successful delivery of ZIMCODD’s objectives depends on the strength and suitability of the organisational structure. The thematic area broadly focuses on ensuring organizational effectiveness and efficiency and looks at ways of strengthening the internal democracy of the coalition as well as strengthening internal governance at secretariat and governance levels. Continuous efforts are made towards investments in capacity building to ensure competencies are aligned to technical requirements as well as investing in strengthening resource mobilisation.

Trade Justice and Livelihoods (TJL)


To strengthen the capacity of individuals, organised groups and communities to advocate for trade justice and sustainable livelihoods by 2023. ZIMCODD remains rooted in the issues and struggles of the grassroots. This ensures that the coalition is in touch with the experiences of ordinary people. Priorities within this thematic area include contracts monitoring especially as the government has been on the drive towards privatisation of the agricultural sector and the effects of the contradictions between the agriculture and mining sectors. The organisation focuses on ensuring that macro and micro level trade agreements and processes contribute towards enhancement of livelihoods for ordinary, marginalised communities. ZIMCODD also focuses on livelihoods empowerment especially in the context of heightened vulnerability due to the economic decline and climate change.