ZIMCODD Weekly Review- 1 November 2022
Public Resource Management Situational Report September 2022
Tackling Debt and Corruption for Socio-economic Development
Weekly Review 26 October 2022
Africa Human Rights Day 2022: Observing the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights for Socioeconomic Development
Trends Analysis of the Government’s Social Spending patterns in the Second Republic
2022 SEJA Academy Report
Position paper on tax justice in 2022 budget
A Citizens Perspective on Zimbabwe’s Tax Regimes
2021 National Budget Implementation Factsheet
September 2022 Economic Review
4th Annual Multi-stakeholder Debt Conference further establishes the need for a Debt Audit
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 11.10.2022
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 04.10.2022
2023 National Budget _Citizens’ Aspirations
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 23.08.2022
Call for Papers: Journal of Social and Economic Justice
2022 SADC People’s Summit Resolutions
AFCODD Zimbabwe-In Country Session Outcome Statement
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 16.08.2022
The SADC Summit 2022, A chance to develop homegrown economic solutions
Request for Information on Petition on Poverty and Inequalities in Zimbabwe _PoZ
The Gold Coin: Yet another Arbitrage Scheme or solution for easing livelihood challenges?
Public Resources Management Situational Report_June 2022
June 2022 Policy Digest
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 2 August 2022
Civil Society Statement on Amendments to the PVO Amendment Bill, 2021_01.08.2022
Statement on the 2022 Mid-term Budget and Economic Review
ZIMCODD Half year Economic Review and Outlook
The Pomona Deal: A case of impunity and illegitimate debt assumption
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 19.07.2022
The Economic Crisis exposes health sector gaps in marginalized areas
African Anti-Corruption Day Press Statement
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 12 July 2022
Outcome Statement on NDS 1 and Special Drawing Rights Utilization
Corruption at NSSA: A case of stealing from the poor
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 5 July 2022
Social and Economic Justice Activists Academy 2022
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 29.06.2022
Press Statement: Analysis of Ministry of Finance new measures_June 2022
Public Resources Management Situational Report May 2022
May 2022 Policy Digest
The Weekend Reader- 24 June 2022
Public Resources Management Situational Report May 2022
ZIMCODD Weekly Review- 21 June 2022
Press Statement:Request for Condonation of Government overspending through the Financial Adjustment Bill (2022)
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 15 June 2022
Monthly Economic Review _May 2022
Briefing Paper on Gender Responsive Public Service Delivery in Zimbabwe
Government pegging fees in USD while de-dollarizing a slap in the face to citizens
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 7 June 2022
Abridged 2019 Auditor General’s Report on State Enterprises and Parastatals
Surging inflation continues to worsen the livelihoods of Zimbabweans
Public Resources Management Situational Report _April 2022
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 31.05.2022
Pomona ‘Wastegate’ Scandal -Socioeconomic Implications, Lessons and Policy Recommendations
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 24 May 2022
Is Davos a Priority considering Zimbabwe’s current socio-economic challenges?
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 17 May 2022
2022 Alternative Mining Indaba
April Policy Digest
Alternatives for Financing Urban Infrastructure in Zimbabwe: Water, Sanitation, Housing and Road Infrastructure
2021 Zimbabwe Annual Multi-Stakeholder Debt Conference: Proceedings Report
Policy Brief on Assessment of the extent to which PFM Bill 2021 is aligned to the 2013 Constitution
Nexus between COVID-19, Public Debt and Social Service delivery in Zimbabwe
2021 Annual Debt Management Report for Zimbabwe
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 10 May 2022
Monthly Economic Review _April 2022
Harare’s Public Transport Sector- A Monumental Crisis for Citizens
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 3 May 2022
2022 SEJA Masters Class
2022 SEJA Masters Class
Zimbabwe Dollar tumbles, Inflation rages havoc
Public Resources Management Situational Report March 2022
Public Resources Management Situational Report March 2022
Resource Tracker Issue 91
Rights Awareness Checheche
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 26 April 2022
Inequalities in Mining Communities in Zimbabwe September 2021
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