ZIMCODD 2020 Annual Report
Tracker Issue 48
ZIMCODD Weekly Economic Review and Update 15 March 2021
Eyes on the ball: Keeping track of COVID-19 Funds
Tracker Issue 47
Weekly Economic Review and Update 9 March 2021
A call to establish a youth friendly budgeting system in Zimbabwe
A new vision of youth quota system design, formulation and implementation for youth inclusive governance in Zimbabwe
A youth mainstreamed anti-corruption mechanism
Giving a fair share of the pie to the young
Giving the silent majority a voice
Towards an inclusive Public Debt Management Mechanism
Towards One composite legal and coordination framework for Youth Empowerment in Zimbabwe
Youth Inclusion as a vaccine against the economic effects of pandemics
Tracker Issue 46
People`s Economic Aspirations Post COVID-19: Towards an Inclusive, People-Centred Economic Recovery Plan
Entrenching Social and Economic Justice in Post COVID-19 Response and Recovery Efforts
ZIMCODD Weekly Economic Review and Update 2 March 2021
Invitation for Expression of Interest for producing an opinion paper on the developmental impacts of recently gazetted AFREXIM bank loans
Statement on COVID-19 Resources Corruption
Press Release on COVID-19 Resource Management 23.02.21
Unpacking the Monetary Policy Statement
Tracker Issue No.45
ZIMCODD Weekly Analysis 23 February 2021
COVID-19 Resource Tracker as at 19 February 2021
2020 National Budget Fact Sheet
The Bane of Resource-Backed Loans in Zimbabwe-Implications for Debt Sustainability
PRFM Indaba Transparent Equitable Vaccine Access Outcome Statement
COVID-19 Vaccines. What is at Stake and Who is going to Pay?
COVID-19 Resource Tracker as at 12 February 2021
Are tax incentives to the mining companies justified?
Public Finance Management Reform Indaba Outcome Statement 3 February 2021
COVID-19 Resource Tracker as at 4 February 2021
Tax Justice remains crucial as we commemorate the Global Protest to #FightInequality
Press Statement Global Protest to Fight Inequality 29 January 2021
COVID-19 Resource Tracker as at 29 January 2021
NDS1 Analysis from a Gender and Social Justice Perspective
Analysis of NDS1: An Economic Justice and Effective Public Finance Management
Opinion Paper on Financing Gap in Zimbabwe’s NDS 1
ZIMCODD Weekly Review and Update 25 January 2021
ZIMCODD Applauds OAG for continued commitment on Annual Audit Report
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 18 January 2021
ZIMCODD Weekly Review 12 January 2021
COVID-19 Resource Tracker as at 22 January 2021
COVID-19 Resource Tracker as at 15 January 2021
Domestic Resource Mobilisation and the Quest for Sustainable Alternative
Covid 19 Resource Tracker as at 18 December 2020
Open Budget Survey for Zimbabwe 2020
Opinion Paper on NDS 1 – Seeking Socio-Economic Justice in the National Development Strategy 1
The Injustice of Sovereign Debt in Tax Regimes in Zimbabwe
The Social and Economic Implications of Public Debt on Youth in Zimbabwe
Nexus between Corruption and Public Debt
Impact of Public Debt on Service Delivery in Local Authorities
Debt Justice and Gender Justice in Zimbabwe
Case for Debt Management Policy
Covid 19 Resource Tracker as at 11 December 2020
Press Release on Debt Conference 2020
Press Release on ZAMI 2020
ZIMCODD’s Response to the Annual Public Debt Bulletin
A Socio- Economic Justice Snapshot of the National Development Strategy 1
Youth Leaders Bootcamp – Calling for youth Leadership on Social & Economic Justice
Citizens should take an interest in the upcoming Pan African Conference on IFFs and Taxation
Illicit Financial Flows – a threat to Zimbabwe’s US$12 Billion Mining Industry
ZIMCODD and AFRODAD Call for Urgent Action on Debt
Did Covid-19 Nibble Away the Leadership in Civil Society
ZAMI 2020 Calls for a People Centric US$12 Billion Mining Industry
The Zimbabwe We Want – A Reflection of Chiredzi Residents Post Covid-19
Demanding a People Centred post Covid-19 Recovery Plan
Zimbabwe’s Debt Crisis – Impact on Women and Youth
An introduction to Zimbabwe’s Debt Crisis
Social and Economic Justice – Youth Perspective
Towards a People Centred Post Covid Recovery Plan
Covid-19 Response and Recovery Plans must prioritise Social and Economic Justice for Women
Covid-19 Resource Tracker as at 4 December 2020
Breakfree 2021 National Budget Edition
Covid-19 Resource Tracker as at 26 November 2020
Covid 19 Resource Tracker as at 20 November 2020
Covid 19 Resource Tracker as at 12 November 2020
Breakfree National Policy Dialogue Edition
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