ZIMCODD 2020-2023 Strategic Plan

Statutory Instrument 50 2020 PFMR Indaba Outcome Statement 17.03.2021
National Roads National Disaster PRFM Indaba Outcome Statement 18.02.21
Unpacking the Monetary Policy Statement PFMR Indaba Outcome Statement 24.02.21
Statement on COVID-19 Resources Corruption
Press Release on COVID-19 Resource Management 23.02.21
PRFM Indaba Transparent Equitable Vaccine Access Outcome Statement
Public Finance Management Reform Indaba Outcome Statement 3 February 2021
Press Statement Global Protest to Fight Inequality 29 January 2021
Press Release on Debt Conference 2020
Press Release on ZAMI 2020
ZIMCODD 2020-2023 Strategic Plan
Debt Cancellation_Global Week on Debt Cancellation
Statement on the arbitrary arrests of Journalists and Activists
ZIMCODD Mid-Term Budget Statement
Suspension of Monetary Transactions on Phone-Based Mobile Money Platforms
Press Statement on Investigations in relation to COVID-19 related procurement
Press Statement on Public Hearings on Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No.2 Bill (H.B. 23, 2019) scheduled for the 15th to the 19th of June 2020
Open Letter to President E.D Mnangagwa on a Covid-19 Response and Recovery driven by Openness to build TRUST
2020 Independence Day
Coronavirus- Zimbabwe’ State of Preparedness
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