Press Releases

June 27, 2020

Suspension of Monetary Transactions on Phone-Based Mobile Money Platforms

Suspension of Monetary Transactions on Phone-Based Mobile Money Platforms255 DownloadsDownload Now!
June 15, 2020

Press Statement on Investigations in relation to COVID-19 related procurement

Press Statement on Investigations in relation to COVID-19 related procurement269 DownloadsDownload Now!
June 12, 2020

Press Statement on Public Hearings on Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No.2 Bill (H.B. 23, 2019) scheduled for the 15th to the 19th of June 2020

Press Statement on Public Hearings on Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment No.2 Bill (H.B. 23, 2019) scheduled for the 15th to the 19th of June 2020237 DownloadsDownload […]
May 21, 2020

Open Letter to President E.D Mnangagwa on a Covid-19 Response and Recovery driven by Openness to build TRUST

Open Letter to President E.D Mnangagwa on a Covid-19 Response and Recovery driven by Openness to build TRUST256 DownloadsDownload Now!
April 17, 2020

2020 Independence Day

2020 Independence Day243 DownloadsDownload Now!
April 1, 2020

Coronavirus- Zimbabwe’ State of Preparedness

Coronavirus- Zimbabwe’ State of Preparedness259 DownloadsDownload Now!
March 30, 2020

ZFS Narrative Report for 2014

ZFS Narrative Report for 2014240 DownloadsDownload Now!
March 30, 2020

Press Release- National Youth Day

Press Release- National Youth Day216 DownloadsDownload Now!
March 30, 2020

Press Release- Huawei Income Tax Exemption

Press Release- Huawei Income Tax Exemption245 DownloadsDownload Now!