Weekend Reader

December 7, 2020

Youth Leaders Bootcamp – Calling for youth Leadership on Social & Economic Justice

Youth Leaders Bootcamp – Calling for youth Leadership on Social & Economic Justice236 DownloadsDownload Now!
December 7, 2020

Citizens should take an interest in the upcoming Pan African Conference on IFFs and Taxation

Citizens should take an interest in the upcoming Pan African Conference on IFFs and Taxation221 DownloadsDownload Now!
December 7, 2020

Illicit Financial Flows – a threat to Zimbabwe’s US$12 Billion Mining Industry

Illicit Financial Flows – a threat to Zimbabwe’s US$12 Billion Mining Industry221 DownloadsDownload Now!
December 7, 2020

ZIMCODD and AFRODAD Call for Urgent Action on Debt

ZIMCODD and AFRODAD Call for Urgent Action on Debt224 DownloadsDownload Now!
December 7, 2020

Did Covid-19 Nibble Away the Leadership in Civil Society

Did Covid-19 Nibble Away the Leadership in Civil Society219 DownloadsDownload Now!
December 7, 2020

ZAMI 2020 Calls for a People Centric US$12 Billion Mining Industry

ZAMI 2020 Calls for a People Centric US$12 Billion Mining Industry213 DownloadsDownload Now!
December 7, 2020

The Zimbabwe We Want – A Reflection of Chiredzi Residents Post Covid-19

The Zimbabwe We Want – A Reflection of Chiredzi Residents Post Covid-190 DownloadsDownload Now!
December 7, 2020

Demanding a People Centred post Covid-19 Recovery Plan

Demanding a People Centred post Covid-19 Recovery Plan189 DownloadsDownload Now!
December 7, 2020

Zimbabwe’s Debt Crisis – Impact on Women and Youth

Zimbabwe’s Debt Crisis – Impact on Women and Youth292 DownloadsDownload Now!